Parents, if you want wonderful pictures of your children, never teach them to say "cheese"! Please learn from my mistake or you will have thousands of photos just like mine - squinted eyes, scrunched up noses, clenched teeth, and an image that just screams "say cheez!!!". Join me while I search for that one perfect shot that doesn't conjure up images of dairy products. Oh, and unless you like that *messy* look, you'll probably want to clean their faces before you snap away. I never seem to remember myself.

An imporant sidenote is to make sure you document your life! Recording the little details of the who, what, where, when, & why makes for wonderful stories and captures your life for years to come. Because if you are like me, you'll forget it all 5 minutes later!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another reason to green up

Journey with me to a true commitment to our environment.
Journey with me to the serenity of leaving to our children a planet in equilibrium.
Paul Tsongas

When you stop, really stop and pause, and soak in the world around you, how can you not want to honor our earth? It is truly a gift to us all and one that should be preserved for eternity.

Our land is stunning. The variety of landscape in our great country alone is breathtaking. I know it is often a PITA to compost, recycle, reduce, search for chemical-free products, expensive to choose the organic over conventional, but man. Look at what we are blessed with! (Not to mention the health implications for ourselves and our children...)








Sunday, October 3, 2010


The beauty of our world never ceases to amaze me. There is so much around us that simply captivates me. Mesa Arch definitely took my breath away and made me pause for a while while I soaked in the splendor of our great land. For me, this magnificent place is my zen.
