How To Really Love A Child
Be there. Say yes as often as possible. Let them bang on pots and pans. If they’re crabby, put them in water. If they’re unlovable, love yourself. Realize how important it is to be a child. Go to a movie theater in your pajamas. Read books out loud with joy. Invent pleasures together. Remember how really small they are. Giggle a lot. Surprise them. Say no when necessary. Teach feelings. Heal your own inner child. Learn about parenting. Hug trees together. Make loving safe. Bake a cake and eat it with no hands. Go find elephants and kiss them. Plan to build a rocketship. Imagine yourself magic. Make lots of forts with blankets. Let your angel fly. Reveal your own dreams. Search out the positive. Keep the gleam in your eye. Mail letters to God. Encourage silly. Plant licorice in your garden. Open up. Stop yelling. Express your love. A lot. Speak kindly. Paint their tennis shoes. Handle with caring. Children are miraculous.

I do believe I was showing my children that I really love them by letting them do this on my patio! :-)
That is one wonderful mess!! Oh, to be a kid again right?
I always stripped my kids down for these kinds of projects too. They're going to have fun playing in that colorful box I bet. Love the poem too. I liked the part about putting them in water, although I guess that could be misconstrued ha ha.
I have a commercial playing a song "The sun is out, the sun is out" as i look at these! Looks like so much fun for them!!
oh yeah! that is a whole lot of lovin' going on there! you are an awesome, awesome mom for allowing that. and i love that poem. so true.
yep that says true love to me. Fun shots
Man, are they ever having fun! I love the intent look on your DD's face!
Looks like the perfect pics for the challenge, nothing says kids like painting a fort!! Can I come play?
That is one beautiful mess! Looks like a lot of fun! Love the quote too. :)
So fun!!
Now THAT look fun!
I love everything written here! It is so important to remember kids and just how much of a difference surprises and just having fun with their parents mean to them. Thank you for this. And I love these pictures, they probably had so much fun.
How fun!! Looks like they had a blast!
Oh my! What an amazing mess! That looks like SO MUCH FUN! :)
What a wonderful thing to let them do on your patio! They look like they are having soooo much fun.
Beautiful sentiments today, and you definitely are letting them express their inner selves with that project. That's just fabulous!
yes- this is a true testament of love. Allowing to paint on patio knowing full well of the clean up to take place afterward- great shots- they are having fun!
these are great shots! looks like they are having a really great time.... and it's definitely a wonderful mess they're making!
Oh dear!
I agree, you certainly were showing them they were loved. If they don't get it now, show them again when they have kids!
Wow, that is so fun!! And I love your quote, TFS!! It is so true, we can experience life again through our children!
Wow! I need some xanax just looking at the photos!
I love how serious they are.
I think you captured everything that is "childhood" in these shots! How fun making a creative mess! Love these!
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