We started off our camping season with a trip to DC over memorial weekend. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I chose DC - MEMORIAL WEEKEND???!!! - but for some reason I thought it would be "nice" and off we went. Seven LONG hours later we arrived at our campsite (which was quite nice) and settled in for the weekend. Sat & Sun we took the Metro (train) into DC and toured the typical hot (literally, it was like 100 degrees each day) spots (along with about 2 million other tourists, I think). Fortunately, many others had hot, cranky kids in tow so we didn't stick out too badly! We were able to see the new WWII memorial, the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Capital Building, White House, Sculpture Garden, Museum of Natural History, Air and Space Museum, and some the sights along the way. Didn't make it to all the Memorials as it was too busy and we saw everything when we were in DC a couple of years ago. We did learn that when we go again in a few years we will definitely do one of the tour buses. Little kids don't like walking all day long! :-)
Got some nice pics to share here. Not camping again until July after we return from Hawaii...not sure where we will camp yet. Will camp on the Jersey shore in August, the Maine coastline in Sept, Vermont in Oct and then probably done camping for the season.

Top three are the WWII Memorial

Looking at the Lincoln Memorial across the Reflecting Pool

Back side of the White House