Parents, if you want wonderful pictures of your children, never teach them to say "cheese"! Please learn from my mistake or you will have thousands of photos just like mine - squinted eyes, scrunched up noses, clenched teeth, and an image that just screams "say cheez!!!". Join me while I search for that one perfect shot that doesn't conjure up images of dairy products. Oh, and unless you like that *messy* look, you'll probably want to clean their faces before you snap away. I never seem to remember myself.

An imporant sidenote is to make sure you document your life! Recording the little details of the who, what, where, when, & why makes for wonderful stories and captures your life for years to come. Because if you are like me, you'll forget it all 5 minutes later!

Monday, April 27, 2009


Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
- Albert Einstein

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We had a good time, really we did

Not that you would know it from my daughter's "photogenic" expressions...





Just more lovely photos to use as bribery when she is older!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bright Light

My new little nephew entered the world this week and he is such a bright light in our life right now. He is so pure and beautiful and innocent. He holds all the hopes and wonders that only a sweet newborn can embody. I'm thrilled for my sister and her family, and thrilled that my children will get to foster a wonderful bond with their new cousin. Selfishly, I'm also thrilled for myself as his birth creates a much needed distraction.

I'm grateful for everyone's kind words of support and encouragement for my husband's health. We are headed to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center tomorrow to learn if the cancer spread and what the treatment options are. This medical appointment can't come soon enough, yet at the same time I'm dreading it. I think it will be the longest drive to NYC that I've had in a long time. Visiting my nephew at the hospital today reminded me that hospitals can be a source of hope and joy. I'm going to try to hold onto that feeling tomorrow and use it to fill my heart and energy with lots of bright light.

Welcome Cullin Laine. May you be filled with love and laughter, and surrounded by life and light.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.
~Desmond Tutu

In all of the stress and worry that has entered our family recently, the love and affection that my children have for each other (well, most of the time anyway...after all they are siblings!) keeps my heart lifted and filled with joy, comfort, faith and most of all - hope.
