Parents, if you want wonderful pictures of your children, never teach them to say "cheese"! Please learn from my mistake or you will have thousands of photos just like mine - squinted eyes, scrunched up noses, clenched teeth, and an image that just screams "say cheez!!!". Join me while I search for that one perfect shot that doesn't conjure up images of dairy products. Oh, and unless you like that *messy* look, you'll probably want to clean their faces before you snap away. I never seem to remember myself.

An imporant sidenote is to make sure you document your life! Recording the little details of the who, what, where, when, & why makes for wonderful stories and captures your life for years to come. Because if you are like me, you'll forget it all 5 minutes later!

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's not clickin' right now

I mean, how could it, with such charming images like these? My children want nothing to do with the camera in their face. And I must say, with photos like these, I haven't much wanted to take their pictures!

Just going for a cute holiday time photo here. I love how when the camera comes out, the eyes look elsewhere. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Ooo, this is a classic! Nine year old attitude. And MAJOR homework attitude.

At least he is smiling! Covered in oatmeal, yes, but smiling!

Gotta love the food stuck in the snot photos! Doesn't this make you just want to eat him up?!

I think I'm going to post the holiday photo card out takes. They are REALLY GOOD for a laugh and to brighten up the gloomy, frigid days we are having! Maybe after that I'll get the urge to click away again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those pictures are FABULOUS!!!!! May I please copy the picture of Nathan and the one of Asher with the food in his snot. They are my favorites :-)

xo April