Parents, if you want wonderful pictures of your children, never teach them to say "cheese"! Please learn from my mistake or you will have thousands of photos just like mine - squinted eyes, scrunched up noses, clenched teeth, and an image that just screams "say cheez!!!". Join me while I search for that one perfect shot that doesn't conjure up images of dairy products. Oh, and unless you like that *messy* look, you'll probably want to clean their faces before you snap away. I never seem to remember myself.

An imporant sidenote is to make sure you document your life! Recording the little details of the who, what, where, when, & why makes for wonderful stories and captures your life for years to come. Because if you are like me, you'll forget it all 5 minutes later!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Project 52. Week 1.

To create one's world in any of the arts takes courage.
- Georgia O'Keeffe

I decided to start anew, to strip away what I had been taught.
- Georgia O'Keeffe

These are two of my favorite quotes from Georgia O'Keefe. I've always admired her work and love viewing her paintings whenever I can. She is simply inspiring and her art draws me in and touches my soul.

I've decide to use her as my inspiration for my Project 52 - 52 weeks of me exploring my art form, photography. I'm going to commit to capturing my world around me, as I see it, and have the courage to share it with the universe (cyberspace in this case, now that we are in the 21st century).

I'm also going to start anew in my approach, not paying attention to the current photographic trends and rules. I'm going to do what I love and create images that have meaning to me. I'm going to create from the soul and have the courage to share it, whether it is good enough for others doesn't matter. This is about me creating, exploring, and growing. Learning to be free and opening myself up to change and experimentation of my art form.

Week 1 - Channelling Ms. O'Keefe.


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