Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever.
- Isak Dinesenso.many.things.that.one.goes.worrying.about.are.of.no.importance.whatsoever.
The worrying and fretting is wasted energy and not the way I am going to choose to spend my energy anymore. I'm going to remember that there is a greater plan for me, one that I'm not yet aware of, but one that I trust will be just right for me and my family. I'm going to embrace the richness of life, the beauty in all that surrounds me, and the positive joy of my world.
I'm going to think of this sweet peaceful face, thank the Lord that I'm blessed with him in my life, and embrace living in the moment, with no worries, just as this 3 year old does.