Parents, if you want wonderful pictures of your children, never teach them to say "cheese"! Please learn from my mistake or you will have thousands of photos just like mine - squinted eyes, scrunched up noses, clenched teeth, and an image that just screams "say cheez!!!". Join me while I search for that one perfect shot that doesn't conjure up images of dairy products. Oh, and unless you like that *messy* look, you'll probably want to clean their faces before you snap away. I never seem to remember myself.

An imporant sidenote is to make sure you document your life! Recording the little details of the who, what, where, when, & why makes for wonderful stories and captures your life for years to come. Because if you are like me, you'll forget it all 5 minutes later!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

We Survived Spring Break!

Yes, that really is a big deal seeing as how we didn't go anywhere. The boys were on spring break last week from school and we stayed in town. No plans, no scheduled activities, no timelines, just me and a 6 year old, 4 year old, and 2 year old. I wasn't sure I'd survive the week! But we kept busy - a play date here, a trip to a children's museum, some outdoor fun, and capped off with a trip to see their favorite singer, Laurie Berkner, in Central Park. Well, they didn't really get to "see" her so much as we were there with about 15,000 other parents and kiddies and strollers, but they got to hear her. Yes, 15,000 people were estimated to be at that concert! And it was only a one hour show! Certainly way more than at the last Bob Weir and Ratdog or Indigo Girls shows I've seen. Granted you had to pay for those shows and the Laurie Berkner one was free for earth day but you should get my point. It was crazy packed but a good time. They stomped to "We are the dinosaurs", boogied to "I'm gonna catch you", and thrashed around to "Laurie wears a pig on her head". Ahh...good times, good times. Too bad she didn't sing her "Good night" song, would have been kinda cool to see a bunch of baby pacifiers waving back and forth in the air. This week it is back to life as usual but relief in knowing we can survive. This summer, however, you'll have to check back 'cuz I'm not too sure on that! Some pics from the past week.

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